Thursday, August 29, 2013
Crazy talk!
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” Declaration of Independence
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Rise of the Mamils (middle-aged men in lycra)
Hmm... No comment....
Flashy sports cars are out, now no mid-life crisis is complete without a souped-up road bike. Why?
Every weekend, across the nation's rolling countryside, watch out for the Mamils: middle-aged men in lycra. And ladies, if you have a man at home taking an unusual interest in how you shave your legs, you may have a Mamil in the making too.
Research conducted by the retail analyst Mintel suggests there has been a surge in the number of middle-aged men choosing to get on two wheels.
Given the number of men aged 35-44 who are buying fancy-pants road racing machines, is this a 21st Century mid-life crisis? Has the silence of skinny tyres and carbon fibre framesets replaced the thunderous noise of motorbikes?
BBC News - Rise of the Mamils (middle-aged men in lycra)
A Bamboo Bike Designed to Lift People From Poverty
The Semester Bicycle is the product of a consortium of design-focused organizations trying to bring sustainable businesses and job training to Greensboro, Alabama. Greensboro is part of the so-called southern “Black Belt,” originally named for its rich soils, but more recently reflecting the gloomy economic reality brought about by factory closings, agricultural migration, and the erosion of human capital.
Happy News - A Bamboo Bike Designed to Lift People From Poverty
Not so nice, eh? Canadian steals back her $1,000 bike listed on Craigslist
A Canadian cyclist who saw her stolen $1,000 bike being sold on Craigslist took the law into her own hands — and stole it right back.
Kayla Smith, from Vancouver, called the seller on Thursday after a pal spotted the ad for what looked like her pinched prized wheels on the classified listings site.
Not so nice, eh? Canadian steals back her $1,000 bike listed on Craigslist - NY Daily News
Kayla Smith, from Vancouver, called the seller on Thursday after a pal spotted the ad for what looked like her pinched prized wheels on the classified listings site.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
The Angry Singlespeeder: Why Strava Sucks | Mountain Bike Review
I'm pretty sure this guy is a real douche and possibly a fascist. Get a life.
In concept, Strava seems like a good idea; mapping rides and archiving them for people to reference is a terrific service. It’s especially terrific for out-of-towners who don’t know of any good places to ride and need a quick guide at their fingertips. But in reality, I think Strava sucks because of one main reason — humans can’t be trusted to use it in a socially responsible manner. It fuels the alpha-male ego in all of us, eroding the social fabric that makes riding bikes fun.
The Angry Singlespeeder: Why Strava Sucks | Mountain Bike Review
Pictures released of man who stole bike from cyclist taking part in RideLondon
Images of the man riding the £2,600 green Trek Madone 4.9 down the road which links Buckingham Palace with Trafalgar Square were taken by official event photographers.
In images released by the Metropolitan police he is shown wearing a safety helmet as he rides the bike, which belongs to a 42-year-old man taking part in the event, after it was stolen close to Constitution Hill in nearby Green Park on 3 AugustPictures released of man who stole bike from cyclist taking part in RideLondon | UK news |
Bike Ambulances Improve Lives in Uganda
There was no quicker way to get his sick brother, who was coughing and had a bloody stool, to medical care. "I did not understand the concept of lack of mobility being the biggest factor until it got later in life. I realized how that could have helped so much," he tells Shots.
Bike Ambulances Improve Lives in Uganda : Shots - Health News : NPR
Monday, August 12, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
SFPD Now Shaming Bike Thieves On Twitter
Now this is what I am talking about!!!!
Thief! |
The photo above came from a concerned cyclist who spotted the guy armed with a backpack and a cordless angle grinder and posted to his Instagram account: "Bike thief? He insisted it was his and then insisted he would kill me if I continue to argue with him. What does a witness do in this situation?"
SFPD Now Shaming Bike Thieves On Twitter: SFist
Madonna wears all white for an intense bike ride whilst daughter Lourdes enjoys a casual stroll in the Côte d'Azur
This is that my Grandma? |
In fact the whole family are currently in the French Riviera and are celebrating Rocco's birthday on Sunday whilst Madonna's is in a few day's time, on August 16.
Madonna wears all white for an intense bike ride whilst daughter Lourdes enjoys a casual stroll in the Côte d'Azur | Mail Online
Amarilloans compete in grueling bike event | Amarillo Globe-News
“Painful,” he said. “I’m glad it’s over.”
McAdams was one of three Amarillo men who rode Saturday in what many call one of the most challenging mountain bike rides in the world. McAdams decided early on to raise donations to benefit the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Amarillo. Businesses and individuals in the area pledged donations for each mile of the race he completed, said McAdams, with some stating they would double the donation IF he completed the race in 10 hours or less.
Amarilloans compete in grueling bike event | Amarillo Globe-News
Mountain Bike Hall of Fame Moving to Marin
In a move that some may feel is long overdue, the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame will be relocating to Marin County — often considered the sport’s birthplace.
The organization broke the news yesterday, while also announcing this year’s inductees. Otis Guy, Joe Breeze and Marc Vendetti, all of whom are industry leaders, have taken on the project of bringing the Hall of Fame to their home turf.
Mountain Bike Hall of Fame Moving to Marin - Sports - San Rafael, CA Patch
Texas couple plans 2,000-mile bike ride for cancer research
SAN MARCOS, Texas — A San Marcos couple is going the distance to battle breast cancer. The husband and wife are biking 2,000 miles and asking for help along their journey.
"It's going to be an adventure, for sure," Julie Swallow said.
They are driving north from Texas to Vancouver, Canada, where they'll embark on a 2,000-mile cycling journey south along the Pacific coast to San Diego.
Texas couple plans 2,000-mile bike ride for cancer research | Dallas - Fort Worth
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Citi Bike Cracked Seven Trips Per Bike Yesterday (That’s a Lot)
It appears to be working...
Citi Bike Cracked Seven Trips Per Bike Yesterday (That’s a Lot) | Streetsblog New York City
Citi Bike Cracked Seven Trips Per Bike Yesterday (That’s a Lot) | Streetsblog New York City
Study: Cyclists Gravitate Toward Streets With Protected Bike Lanes | Streetsblog Capitol Hill
Study: Cyclists Gravitate Toward Streets With Protected Bike Lanes | Streetsblog Capitol Hill
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
Enchilada Buffet | The total Austin mountain biking experience.
The EB
Fill your plate with Austin trail goodness!
The Enchilada Buffet is the annual measuring stick for Austin mountain biking. The EB is a self supported ride covering five local trails and ~85 miles of awesome Austin biking badassness.When: Saturday, October 26th, 2013 (Rain date 11/02/13)
Start Time: 6:30AM Rollout
Where: Walnut Creek Parking Lot
Enchilada Buffet | The total Austin mountain biking experience.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
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